Midnight Showings

If one was to attend a midnight showing they would need to bring a list of items. Some items included are rubber gloves, party hats, glow sticks, playing cards, a newspaper… items which are commonly used during various parts of the performance. One would also dress as a certain character, and yell out certain phrases of that character. This continued to give popularity to Rocky Horror, which at first was going to be a flop. Those who have never seen the movie are considered “virgins” and are brought on stage to be embarrassed for the audience’s amusement, before being allowed to return to their seats. This type of audience is what gave it a cult type of “vibe”. Websites, social media accounts, and other groups have been formed and an innumerable amount of information is provided on how to attend a showing. Although at the time of its release, nobody could have predicted the type of popularity “Rocky Horror Picture Show” would gain, it did capture audiences in a unique way. This helped and still continues help spread the “gay agenda” and educate audiences on the difference between sexual freedom and this “socially accepted” marital, heterosexual monogomy.
